Thursday, January 26, 2012

Live Healthy with Homemade Mashed Potatoes

Potatoes are the most versatile food indeed. It can be used for desserts, meals, treats, baking, roasting, and mashing.  Mashed potatoes are the most famous potato cuisine in all of United States, as well as its neighboring countries.  This became a staple food for all its citizens. Let us look deeper into why people love mashed potatoes so much and let’s find out the benefits they can get from eating this delicious creamy food.  

Having said that mashed potatoes has its fair share of nutritional benefits, here are its health benefits.  Potatoes are considered the number one vegetable crop all over the world and people from different countries consume it in different cuisines. Although it has been branded as a comfort food, it plays an important role in our daily source of energy.  Some misconception about potatoes has been speculating around, that potatoes aren’t healthy and can even contribute to a heart attack.  It isn’t potatoes fault actually, it is not the potatoes that can cause heart attack but the way people prepare it with the excess cream, butter, oil, and grease.  Those are the factors that can take away all of potatoes’ nutrients.  The deep-frying and too much grease can lead to obesity and other illnesses, but take away all of the oil and grease and try baking mashed potatoes without the added fats. You can clearly see that potatoes are really healthy and an exceptionally low calorie, high fiber food.

Mashed potatoes are a good source of Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, manganese, dietary fiber, and potassium. Studies showed that eating mashed potatoes without the added oil and butter can lead to a healthy cardiovascular function, disease-resistant body, and can even protect us from cancer.  Potatoes also have its antioxidants in the form of phytochemicals that rival those in broccoli. These substances can significantly decrease cancer cells and hinders its growth; it also eliminates free radicals that can cause diseases and cancer.  Mashed potatoes can also increase nervous system activity because of its Vitamin B6 contents and it can make our brain cells healthier as well. Learn more about this healthy crop here. 

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